BashClass to Bash

How it works?


BashClass syntax is close to other programming languages like C++ and Java, however, instead of compiling to machine code or bytecode, BashClass compiles to Bash.


Creating classes in Bash is not possible, but since Bash 4.0, the language added associative arrays which can be used as an alternative way to store a structure of an object. Using this feature, one can keep track of "objects" by assigning them a unique id as part of the key. A key is usually composed of two parts: the object id and the member name of the object.


Functions in BashClass are converted to Bash functions in the generated Bash script. Each statement in a BashClass function is also converted to its corresponding Bash representation while maintaining the original order.

Type checking

BashClass performs type checking at compile time. An expression can be forced to be of a specific type by casting it. The type of an object can also be checked at runtime (Please refer to the example files in the example page for further details).


An object variable that is initialized in BashClass (using the new keyword) stores the unique id of the created object.


Expressions in BashClass are generated step by step following the same operator precedence used in bash.


BashClass function can be of any type or void. In the generated bash script, the function call passes an additional argument by reference which will hold the "returned" value.


BashClass achieves multi-dimensional arrays using associative arrays in bash where a key is a combination of the indices concatenated by a delimiter.

Generated code example

Code in BashClass

class Square {
    var int side;
    constructor Square(var int side=0) {
        this.side = side;

    function int getArea() {
        return side * side;

function void print(var int num) {
    ># echo $1

function int main() {
    var Square sq = new Square(10);
    return 0;

Generated BASH script

# Bash version 4.4+ required!
# This code is auto generated by bashc, do not make manual changes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize array counter

# Initialize class object counter
declare -A _object_

############# BASH FUNCTIONS ##############
# Create array
function _bash_createArray() {
    declare -n _return_=${1}
    declare -g -A "_array_${_array_uid_}"
    _array_uid_=$(( ${_array_uid_} + 1 ))
# Convert strings into char array
function _bash_StrToCharArray() {
    declare string="${1}"
    declare -n _return_=${2}
    _bash_createArray _tmp_return_
    declare index=0
    declare -n indexValue="_array_${_return_}"
    while (( ${index} < ${#string} )); do
        index=$(( ${index} + 1 ))

# Create function
function _c_Square_f_Square() {
    declare _args_counter_=1

    # Create argument with a default value
    if (( 0 < $(( ${#} - 0 )) )); then
    declare _c_Square_f_Square_p_side="${1}"
    _args_counter_=$(( ${_args_counter_} + 1 ))
    declare _c_Square_f_Square_p_side=0
    declare -n _result_0=_c_Square_f_Square_p_side
    declare _expression_0="${_result_0:-0}"

    # Configure 'this'
    declare _this_=${!_args_counter_}
    _args_counter_=$(( ${_args_counter_} + 1 ))

    # Configure return statement
    declare -n _return_=${!_args_counter_}

    # Declare member

    # Header info
    [[ -v _object_[${_this_},"__type__"] ]] || _object_[${_this_},"__type__"]="Square"
    # Evaluate expression
    declare _result_1=${_this_}
    declare -n _result_2=_object_[${_result_1},"_c_Square_v_side"]
    declare -n _result_3=_c_Square_f_Square_p_side
    declare _expression_1="${_result_2:-0}"

    # Return statement

# Create function
function _c_Square_f_getArea() {
    declare _args_counter_=1

    # Configure 'this'
    declare _this_=${!_args_counter_}
    _args_counter_=$(( ${_args_counter_} + 1 ))

    # Configure return statement
    declare -n _return_=${!_args_counter_}

    # Return statement
    declare -n _result_4=_object_[${_this_},"_c_Square_v_side"]
    declare -n _result_5=_object_[${_this_},"_c_Square_v_side"]
    declare _expression_2=$(( ${_result_4:-0} * ${_result_5:-0} ))

# Create function
function _f_print() {
    declare _args_counter_=1

    # Create argument
    declare _f_print_p_num="${1}"
    _args_counter_=$(( ${_args_counter_} + 1 ))

    # Run BASH code
     echo $1

# Create function
function _f_main() {
    declare _args_counter_=1

    # Configure return statement
    declare -n _return_=${!_args_counter_}

    # Create variable
    declare _f_main_v_sq=0

    # Initialize variable
    declare -n _result_6=_f_main_v_sq
    declare _result_7
    _c_Square_f_Square "10" $(( _object_uid_++ )) _tmp_return_
    declare _expression_3="${_result_6:-0}"

    # Evaluate expression
    declare -n _result_8=_f_main_v_sq
    declare _result_9
    _c_Square_f_getArea ${_result_8} _tmp_return_
    _f_print "${_result_9:-0}"

    # Return statement

# Run main function
_f_main _main_return_
exit ${_main_return_}

# -----------------------------------------------------------------