Calculator example


Calculator example is a very simple compiler that takes a list of expressions seperated by ; as input, then evalutes each and stores the answers in a file.


# Expr 1
1 + 2 * 3;

# Expr 2
(1 + 2) * 3;


Expression result: 7
Expression result: 9

Project setup

The calculator project can be found under examples/ in the repo root directory. In this example, the content of the two main files will not be explained because they only provide the command line interface to the executables.


├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── calculator
│       └── Calculator.h
├── resources
│   └── src
│       ├── input.txt
│       ├── lexical_config.json
│       ├── lexical_errors.json
│       ├── lexical_state_machine.json
│       ├── syntax_errors.json
│       └── syntax_grammar.json
└── src
    └── calculator
        ├── Calculator.cpp
        ├── maindev.cpp
        └── mainpro.cpp


Refer to the home page for the sample CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
set(CALCULATOR_DEV_EXEC "calculatordev")
set(CALCULATOR_PRO_EXEC "calculator")

# Add easycc CMakeLists.txt to build it automatically
add_subdirectory(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/EasyCC-CPP)

# Compile with -std=c++11 flag

# Configure directory of output file

# Include calculator header files (e.g. same as -I flag)

# Store cpp files in a variable

# Add the executables
add_executable(${CALCULATOR_DEV_EXEC} ${CALC_PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES} src/calculator/maindev.cpp)
add_executable(${CALCULATOR_PRO_EXEC} ${CALC_PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES} src/calculator/mainpro.cpp)

# Link library to the executable
target_link_libraries(${CALCULATOR_DEV_EXEC} easyccdev)
target_link_libraries(${CALCULATOR_PRO_EXEC} easyccpro)

Lexical analysis

I - lexical_state_machine.json

An image of the state machine is provided below.
Refer to the state machine section for more details.

    "states": [
            "type": "INITIAL",
            "id": 0
            "type": "NORMAL",
            "id": 1
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 2,
            "token": "T_INTEGER",
            "backtrack": true
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 3,
            "token": "T_PLUS",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 4,
            "token": "T_MINUS",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 5,
            "token": "T_MULTIPLY",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 6,
            "token": "T_DIVIDE",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 7,
            "token": "T_SEMICOLON",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 8,
            "token": "T_INVALID_CHAR",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 9,
            "token": "T_INTEGER",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 10,
            "token": "T_OPEN_PAR",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 11,
            "token": "T_CLOSE_PAR",
            "backtrack": false
            "type": "NORMAL",
            "id": 12
            "type": "FINAL",
            "id": 13,
            "token": "T_COMMENT",
            "backtrack": true
    "transitions": [
            "from": 0,
            "to": 0,
            "chars": ["SPACE","RETURN","TAB","NEW_LINE","EOF"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 1,
            "chars": ["POSITIVE"]
            "from": 1,
            "to": 1,
            "chars": ["POSITIVE","0"]
            "from": 1,
            "to": 2,
            "chars": ["OTHER"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 3,
            "chars": ["+"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 4,
            "chars": ["-"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 5,
            "chars": ["*"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 6,
            "chars": ["/"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 7,
            "chars": [";"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 8,
            "chars": ["OTHER"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 9,
            "chars": ["0"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 10,
            "chars": ["("]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 11,
            "chars": [")"]
            "from": 0,
            "to": 12,
            "chars": ["#"]
            "from": 12,
            "to": 12,
            "chars": ["OTHER"]
            "from": 12,
            "to": 13,
            "chars": ["NEW_LINE","EOF"]

The graph below was generated by the tool described in the lexical analysis page. state machine

II - lexical_config.json

  • The lexical tokens T_COMMENT are ignored, so they will not be passed to the syntax analyzer.
  • The lexical tokens T_INVALID_CHAR are marked as error tokens and will report error messages once created.
  • The lexical tokens T_INTEGER which have the value 0 will be renamed to T_ZERO.

Refer to the lexical configuration section for more details.

    "newline": "LF",

    "ignore": {
        "prefix": "",
        "suffix": "",
        "include": ["T_COMMENT"],
        "exclude": []

    "error": {
        "prefix": "T_INVALID_CHAR",
        "suffix": "",
        "include": [],
        "exclude": []

    "reserved": {
        "T_INTEGER" : {
            "0" : "T_ZERO"

III - lexical_errors.json

  • Default message is printed if no message was assigned to an error token (In this case, default message is never printed).
  • T_INVALID_CHAR will print its assigned message once created.
  • Placeholders are replaced with their corresponding values. Check the full list of lexical error message placeholders.

Refer to the lexical error message section for more details.

    "default_message": "${filename}: Error found '${value}' at line ${line} and column ${column}",
    "error_messages": {
        "T_INVALID_CHAR" : "${filename}: Invalid character '${value}' found at line ${line} and column ${column}"

Syntax analysis

I - syntax_grammar.json

  • The grammar takes care of the operator precedence.
  • Notice the 4 different types of items in the grammar:
    • Terminal
    • Non-terminal
    • Epsilon
    • Action token

Refer to the grammar section for more details.

    "S"             : ["A T_SEMICOLON #print# S #end#","EPSILON"],
    "A"             : ["C B"],
    "B"             : ["EPSILON","T_PLUS C #plus# B","T_MINUS C #minus# B"],
    "C"             : ["E D"],
    "D"             : ["EPSILON","T_MULTIPLY E #multiply# D","T_DIVIDE #divide# E D"],
    "E"             : ["T_OPEN_PAR A T_CLOSE_PAR","NUMBER #push#"],
    "NUMBER"        : ["'T_INTEGER'","'T_ZERO'"],
    "T_PLUS"        : ["'T_PLUS'"],
    "T_MINUS"       : ["'T_MINUS'"],
    "T_MULTIPLY"    : ["'T_MULTIPLY'"],
    "T_DIVIDE"      : ["'T_DIVIDE'"],
    "T_OPEN_PAR"    : ["'T_OPEN_PAR'"],
    "T_CLOSE_PAR"   : ["'T_CLOSE_PAR'"],

II - syntax_errors.json

  • Default message is printed if the syntax analyzer is in panic mode and did not find an error message associated to the situation.
  • If the syntax analyzer was expecting anything :any but a T_INTEGER, then it will print the corresponding error message.
  • Similarly, if the syntax was expecting anything :any but a T_ZERO, then it will print the corresponding error message.
  • Placeholders are replaced with their corresponding values. Check the full list of syntax error message placeholders.
  • For the list of special values for non_terminal and terminal keys, check the table in the syntax error messages section.

Refer to the syntax error messages section for more details.

    "default_message": "${filename}: Error found: ${lexical.value} at line ${lexical.line} and column ${lexical.column}",
    "error_messages": [
            "non_terminal": ":any",
            "terminal": "T_INTEGER",
            "message": "${filename}: Expecting a symbol before '${lexical.value}' at line ${lexical.line} and column ${lexical.column}"
            "non_terminal": ":any",
            "terminal": "T_ZERO",
            "message": "${filename}: Expecting a symbol before '0' at line ${lexical.line} and column ${lexical.column}"

Semantic analysis & Code generation



  • Initialize handler (explained below)
  • Open output file for code generation.
  • Configure EasyCC library.
    • setParsingPhase(0): sets the phase value which is passed as argument to action handlers. For languages that require analyzing the syntax mutliple times, the phase value can be set to a counter that increments on every iteration.
    • setSilentSyntaxErrorMessages(false): If a language is parsed several times, then only one iteration needs to report syntax errors.
    • setSilentSemanticEvent(false): If true is passed as argument, then no action handlers will be executed.
    • setOnSyntaxError(function): Register a function that is executed when a syntax error occurs. In the calculator example, if a syntax error occurs the program writes a message to the output file and closes it.
  • Loop on input files and compile them.
int Calculator::compile(std::vector<std::string> inputFiles, std::string outputFile) {

    // Initialize semantic action handlers

    // Set output file;

    // Configure easycc
        m_output << "Error evaluating expression" << std::endl;

    // Compile all files
    for(std::string fileName : inputFiles) {
        int code = m_easyCC->compile(fileName);
        if(code != ecc::IEasyCC::OK_CODE) {
            return code;
    return 0;


  • Register an action handler for #push#
    • Once a number is parsed, push it to the stack
  • Register an action handler for #plus#
    • Once a + is parsed, pop the last two numbers and push the result to the stack
  • Register an action handler for #minus#
    • Once a - is parsed, pop the last two numbers and push the result to the stack
  • Register an action handler for #multiply#
    • Once a * is parsed, pop the last two numbers and push the result to the stack
  • Register an action handler for #divide#
    • Once a / is parsed, pop the last two numbers and push the result to the stack
  • Register an action handler for #print#
    • Write final result to the file at the end of each expression.
  • Register an action handler for #end#
    • Close the output file at the end of the input file
void Calculator::initHandlers() {
     * Register 'push' semantic action
     * Every time an integer is read it will be pushed into the stack
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#push#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){

     * Register 'plus' semantic action
     * Once the two operands are pushed, add them and push the result into the stack
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#plus#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){
        int popR =;
        int popL =;
        m_operands.push(popL + popR);

     * Register 'minus' semantic action
     * Once the two operands are pushed, subtract them and push the result into the stack
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#minus#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){
        int popR =;
        int popL =;
        m_operands.push(popL - popR);

     * Register 'multiply' semantic action
     * Once the two operands are pushed, multiply them and push the result into the stack
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#multiply#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){
        int popR =;
        int popL =;
        m_operands.push(popL * popR);

     * Register 'divide' semantic action
     * Once the two operands are pushed, divide them and push the result into the stack
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#divide#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){
        int popR =;
        int popL =;
        m_operands.push(popL / popR);

     * Register 'print' semantic action
     * At the end of the expression, output the result to a file
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#print#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){
        m_output << "Expression result: " << << std::endl;

     * Register 'end' semantic action
     * Once the end of file is reached, close the output file
    m_easyCC->registerSemanticAction("#end#",[&](int phase, Tokens &lexicalVector, int index){

Build the Calculator project


cmake . \

make calculator production mode

# Generate header file
make generate_files

# Run cmake again (section above)
# cmake . ...

# Build project
make calculator

make calculator developer mode

make calculatordev

Use Calculator compiler

Production mode

./bin/calculator resources/src/input.txt -o output.txt

Developer mode

./bin/calculatordev \
    -s resources/src/lexical_state_machine.json \
    -c resources/src/lexical_config.json \
    -e resources/src/lexical_errors.json \
    -g resources/src/syntax_grammar.json \
    -E resources/src/syntax_errors.json \
    -o /tmp/result.txt \
    -v \